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"Many thanks, Linda, for looking after the graphic design and project supervision on the production of our family history. You transformed it into a visually exciting and very readable book, and you delivered on schedule. Brilliant!"
- Edward Johnson

Book Cover Design

Our custom covers are designed to complement your stories, images and personality. We'll provide you with several custom designs to choose from and work with you to create the desired look that's right for your book. Whether you want hard cover or soft cover, black and white or full-color, typeface preferences, end papers and binding materials will all be chosen with care. 

Whether you want five or 5000 copies, we can provide a variety of recommendations for printing in Canada, the US or Asia, depending on your needs. We will supply the printer of your choice with all the high-resolution digital files they’ll need to print and bind your book to the highest possible standards to ensure it will be enjoyed for generations to come. In addition, we’ll give you the full digital files for your archives. (Printing costs not included)